rear of westbourne park bus garage
grand union canal, london
featuring, for a limited time only, an abandoned ceramic toilet and car wheel
for me, this is as good as it gets
black paint
white paint
and bricks
and that’s it.
everything about it works.
the canalside location – part of the city, apart from the city
the size and shape of the wall
the size and shape of the letters
the colours, the lack of colours
the bricks
the barefaced rollerpaint swag
even the smaller, lower-down pieces like fawning courtiers seeking favour at the feet of the royals:
king | queen | jack | joker!
just imagine how fucking boring it’d be as a big bare wall of unblemished red bricks
and to say that this thing is my thing
is not to say that i don’t appreciate other graffiti styles, y’know
bubbles popping
psychedelic colours
dripping, languid swirls
wickedly funny wordplay
intricate, delicate wildstyle
but this shit speaks a language
that my soul somehow understands
my soul is simple my soul is one word (plus punctuation) my soul is big and bold